Global White Lion Protection Trust

White lions are found in only one place on Earth — the Greater Timbavati-Kruger National Park region of South Africa. This unique specie of lion is gravely endangered and only twelve of these magnificent animals roam free today. According to

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Botswana to Kruger National Park

It was hard leaving this small group of friends that I quickly grew so fond of, and the eleven of us pledged to keep in touch as we headed our separate ways at the Maun Airport. Our small group consisted

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Botswana: Sand and Stars

After our early walk around the island, we hopped back onto the boat, absorbing the tranquility of the lagoons and narrow, papyrus-fringed waterways of the Okavango Delta. We bid farewell to the Delta and boarded our plane for our next

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Botswana: Game and Water

If you ask veteran African travelers to name the best guide’s, Ralph Bousfields name appears at the top of every list. The most essential prerequisite for a successful trip to the African bushveld is an outstanding guide. When I was

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Thoroughly Modern Moscow

I had the opportunity to visit one of my favorite destinations, Moscow. Given I have not been there since 2008, I was looking forward to seeing the progress and changes. Surprisingly, from an economic standpoint, Russia is experiencing a recession

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